Daryl's House

Лот-победитель ежемесячного конкурса мастерских на сайте

Если бы Дерил Диксон жил в доме, это был бы именно этот дом.
If Daryl Dixon lived in a house, it would be this very house.

Адрес: Оазис Спрингс - Сэндтрэп Флэт
Информация: 1 спальня, 1 ванная комната

NoCC: дом не содержит пользовательского контента

EA: содержит предметы из Collector's Edition
EA: the house includes Collector's Edition content

Скачать дом можно в Галерее Симс 4
Download it from The Sims 4 Gallery

Origin ID: Melissa-simka


  1. THANK YOU!!!!!! its beautiful!! I love the walking dead!!

  2. Ответы
    1. Damn... It can't be so - I look at this house just now personally - it really is in the Gallery.
      #melissasims #daryl #daryldixon #industrial #thesims4
      a lot of tags...

      I've heard about problems with searching different authors in The Gallery - but be patient and you will find me there.

  3. Thanks for being a tease... this house is not in the gallery.

    1. The same answer to you)))
      Damn... It can't be so - I look at this house just now personally - it really is in the Gallery.
      #melissasims #daryl #daryldixon #industrial #thesims4
      a lot of tags...

      I've heard about problems with searching different authors in The Gallery - but be patient and you will find me there.

  4. This house is not there, used all the tags, can only find your other houses, not this one. A friend of mine tried too, she couldn't find it either.

    1. If you found my other houses, go to my page in the Gallery and see all 6 works at the present moment. You will find this house among them.
      And - this house IS there, but there is not very easy way of finding houses in the Gallery, but it is not my fault.
      I've heard about the problem with finding houses - but finally all of them were sold.

  5. I figured it out, I had to go to your page (like you said), but I also had to check Advanced -> Include Unowned Content. This may be the case for people who don't have the Digital Deluxe version of s4. Awesome house, thank you :)

    1. yes, think you are right - I have The Sims 4 Deluxe Edition with some special so-called store-content. Maybe this is the reason why The Gallery doesn't show this house among ordinary houses. ))) Thank you!)


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